Personnel Committee Meets w/Selectboard Aug. 11

Past event
Aug 11, 2016, 6:30 PM

Tinmouth Personnel Policy Committee Agenda
August 11, 2016 6:45 pm Tinmouth Town Office

1. Call to Order
2. Review Agenda
3. Minutes –July 28, 2016
4. Discuss presentation to Selectboard as needed.
5. Meet jointly with Selectboard (7:00 pm)
6. Members Concerns
7. Adjourn

The Personnel Committee will meet at 6:45 prior to the Selectboard meeting, and then will join the Selectboard to discuss the proposed personnel policy crafted by the committee. The proposed policy includes recommendations for health insurance for employees who retire after a specified number of years of service at age 62 or older until they reach Medicare age.

The minutes of the final meeting state:
We also discussed whether or not this group was charged with making a recommendation in response to the petition that the Selectboard received regarding retiree health benefits. It was determined that it was our role to create a policy, and that the Selectboard will consider the petition independently. This policy will apply to current or future employees once adopted.

It is our understanding that the Selectboard has the authority to create an individual agreement to resolve the open issue as identified in the petition.

Cathy Reynolds, Scribe

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