Essex Town Planning Commission (PC) Meeting

Past event
Aug 11, 2016

Hello Everybody,

I hope this finds you all enjoying the great summer weather we have been experiencing! The next PC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 11th @6:30 p.m., here at 81 Main Street Conference Room. It should be a shorter meeting as only one application is slated!

This meeting will begin with the Election of Officers. The election is once a year. Currently, Dustin Bruso is the Chair; David Raphael is Vice-Chair; and Jonathan Schumacher is Clerk. The Chair primarily runs the meetings, and serves as the spokesperson for the Commission. The Planning Commission is made up with 7 volunteers who meet 2x/month (the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). A shout out to the volunteers - Thank You for your service!

Next, the PC will accept public comment from anyone - about anything (that is not already listed as an Agenda item)! This is your chance to have a very informal discussion and you should feel very relaxed and comfortable to say whatever it is you would like to discuss!

The only application is a Sketch Plan. This will be the 1st of three hearings. Tom Chase, d/b/a Jericho Road Associates, is proposing to develop the parcel where the family grew up. The old homestead will be torn down and 28 residential units are proposed as part of a Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R). The parcel is 10-acres is size and is known as 73 Jericho Road.

We hope to see you there!

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