Discussion of the Benefits of Farm Conservation Practices

Past event
Aug 11, 2016, 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Farmers and those interested in farm practices that will improve the Memphremagog watershed waterways are invited to a discussion meeting. The meeting will focus on the economic benefits of common NEK conservation practices, implementation of Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) to improve water quality and an explanation of the benefits of the Small Farm Certification Program. The discuss will be led by Ben Copans local VTDEC Watershed coordinator, Dan Hudson, local UVM Ext Agronomist and Sarah Damsell Orleans County NRCD District Manager. Information on obtaining technical and financial resources to assist farms will also be presented.
Realizing that farmland along with roads and developed land contribute the largest amount of phosphorus in to the Memphremagog watershed the knowledge and experience of the local farm community is essential. Please come to contribute to this discussion. This meeting sponsored in partnership with VTDEC, OCNRCS-CD, MWA and others.
The meeting will be held August 11 from 11:30 – 2:30 at the Poulin Grain (Blue Building) 24 Railroad Square, Newport, VT. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to Orleans County NRCD 802-334-6090, ext 118 or sarah.damell@vt.nacdnet.net

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