Pancake Breakfast - Inside/Outside Tag Sale

Past event
Aug 6, 2016

This Saturday, August 6, starting at 7:30AM, the First Congregational Church of Brookfield, aka Pond Village Church, located at the corner of the Ridge Road and Vermont Route 65, is holding a Pancake Breakfast and an INSIDE/OUTSIDE TAG SALE. What makes the tag sale SIGNIFICANT is the sorting and arranging of not just one, not just two, not just three, not just four, but five household contributions. The first household contribution filled a barn and storage shed. The second household contribution was moved into a second barn. Households three, four, and five were delivered yesterday and today. Two tents will be set up outside as Fellowship Hall is FULL. And, fortunately, through some truly creative arranging, there are tables for you to enjoy your breakfast versus standing around holding your plates and balancing your coffee cups. Basically, when said: there is something of everyone, it is so applicable to what is here. Furniture; pots and pans; books, dishes; toys; cloths (some with new sales tags still on them); on and on and on. The door closes at 11:00, unless of course you are still looking and selecting your items. See you Saturday!!!

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