This week the market will be full of great local vendors. Join us!
- Vermont Fermentation Adventures
2 kinds of Sauerkraut, spicy Kimchi, Gingered Roots and possibly regular and low-caffeine kombucha
- Plainview Farm
Strong family maple syrup all grades/sizes
-Diversity Farm
Pasture Meats and Eggs
-JW Bensinger
Sharpening and Handcrafted Blades
-Owl Hill Farm
Produce, greens, squash, zucchini etc.
- Bramble and Berry Farm
Currants, Raspberries, Blueberries!
- Setting Sun Teahut/Cha Xi Collective
Some new tea to taste or buy as well as some old favorites. teaware and handmade tea tools and fabric too!
- Mapleroot farm
Plain and sesame lovers pizza crusts, squirrel crackers, bread, and bagels.
-The Happy Bite
Gluten and grain free baked goods
And for the last time this summer the Rabin family will be selling their bread, get there early or you'll miss out
See you there!