Kick Up Your Heels Oct. 12!

Past event
Oct 12, 2013, 7:30 to 10 PM

I'm writing to remind everyone that Cabot's next monthly contra and square dance is this Saturday, October 12, at 7:30, in the Willey Building. We had a really nice turnout for the first dance, and everyone had a great time! We would like to keep that momentum going--the more people who come, the more enjoyable it is!

For any of you who don't know, contra dancing is a long-standing part of New England's heritage, done for the joy of dancing to good music with friendly people. The dances are all taught, and easy to learn. All ages are welcome, and no partner is needed--folks usually dance with different people throughout the evening, which is part of the fun.

The music is live, with Dave Carpenter and several other great musicians playing lively traditional tunes, and the caller for October is Delia Clark. If you're reading this and thinking "Well, I'm not sure..." just give it a try, and see!

The Cabot Old Time Family Contra and Square Dance will be held on the second Saturday of every month September through May. The dance series is sponsored by the Cabot Library. There is a small donation requested to defray costs. Contributions of refreshments for the break are also welcome!

Hope to see you at the dance!

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