Interested in living large in a small space? Come to The Galaxy Bookshop on Thursday, August 18th, at 7 p.m., to meet Deek Diedricksen, author of "Micro Shelters: 59 Creative Cabins, Tiny Houses, Tree Houses, and Other Small Structures." Diedricksen has years of experience designing, building, and living in tiny structures. With his brother Dustin, Diedrickson teaches workshops on the topic. The two have hosted shows on HGTV ("Tiny House Builders") and the DIY Network ("Extreme Small Spaces") and are currently independently producing a new show, "The Micromen."
Deek Diedrickson will talk about his work, accompanied by a slide show highlighting some amazing buildings, and will answer questions and sign copies of his book. Please join us for this free event!
Call 472-5533 for more information.