Special Presentation: Planning for Wildlife

Past event
Aug 4, 2016, 6:30 to 8 PM

· Do we know the wealth of wildlife we have in our hills and valleys? What wildlife is at risk here, and how can we plan to maintain healthy habitat and strong ecosystems in our region? Biologist Monica Przyperhart from Vermont Fish & Wildlife will give us an overview with her presentation: "Planning for Wildlife: Recognizing local habitat and taking steps to maintain it." She'll give a special focus on habitat in the towns of Tunbridge, Strafford, Royalton, and Sharon. We'll learn about online tools such as BioFInder, which can help identifying Vermont lands and waters supporting high priority ecosystems, natural communities, habitats and species. And by the end we'll all have a richer picture of the wildlife around us (both abundant and rare) , the impact our land use choices make on wildlife, and our options we can take as a community to keep wildlife habitat thriving for future years and coming generations.
Refreshments will be offered afterward-- please feel free to bring some of your favorite cookies or other treats to share. This event is co-ponsored by the Tunbridge Planning Commission and the Tunbridge Library.

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