Next Week at Brookfield Old Town Hall!

Past event
Aug 2, 2016, 7 to 8 PM

Another busy week at the Brookfield Old Town Hall:

Mon 8/1 7:30-9 AM BOOT CAMP - Come kick-start your week with an invigorating morning workout!
$5/person donation requested, sponsored by the Clark Group, LLC.

Tues 8/2 5:00 - 6:30 pm - Senator Patrick and Marcelle Leahy will host a "meet and greet" with community members during the senator's 14 County Vermont Campaign Tour. Let's come out to show the Senator our support and thanks for his outstanding leadership and service in the U.S. Senate over the last 40 years.
Light refreshments will be available. The event is free and open to the public.

Tues 8/2 7:00 - 8:00 pm (NEW time!) - Yoga - all levels - with Deonne Myrick continues, but a bit later, just after the Sen Leahy meet and greet. Bring your mat or borrow one, $5/person donations requested.
Yoga series sponsored by C21 The Mill Stone Agency.

Wed 8/3 6:30 - 8:00 pm - Bingo with Ricky Kidder! Come play and win with neighbors, family and friends.

Sun 8/7 7:00 - 9:00 pm - "Irish Stars on a Summer Night" - Mark your calendars! Irish music comes to the Old Town Hall! Benedict Koehler and his wife, Hilari Farrington will perform on harp, uilleann bagpipes, button accordion, and tin whistle as they weave a unique history of Ireland through its music and its folklore.

Admission for this event is $10 for adults. Cool Beverages and snacks will be offered or BYOB, if you prefer.

This special musical event is sponsored by Northfield Savings Bank.

As always, special and ongoing thanks to the Frankenburg Agency of Randolph for generous support of our entire 2016 series of community events.

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