Radio Control Sailboat Racing

Past event
Jul 30, 2016, 10 AM to 4 PM

CanAm Sailing Regatta in Stowe, July 30th & 31st

Stowe Yacht Club will host a RC sailing regatta on the pond at the Commodore Inn Sat, & Sun, July 30th & 31st. Races are run all day from 10:00 until about 4pm. All are welcome to watch. Competitors are from the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic States and Ontario, Quebec, & Nova Scotia.
Racing format will be skippers racing as individuals for trophies and accumulating points for their respective country. Stowe Yacht Club has sponsored this regatta for a number of years drawing a fun group of racers from both countries.

Sat & Sun racing will be the Soling One Meter class. Length 39 inches, mast height 6 feet. These boats are a one-design, so boats are essentially the same. It’s up to the skipper to make a difference. Boats are built from an inexpensive kit.

RC sailing comes very close to the feel of real sailing. Boats are controlled from the shore with radios for steering and sail set. No motors are involved. Generally courses are windward-leeward, twice around finishing at the windward mark. Races take about 10-20 minutes depending on the wind conditions. Competition can be very stiff. The same rules are using as in International racing like the Olympics.

Club weekly racing on the pond goes on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 to 6 ish. The club welcomes interested sailors to come down and watch or try your hand. More info about RC sailing and Stowe yacht Club can be found at

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