Moonlight Body Mind Spirit Retreat Oct. 12

Past event
Oct 12, 2013

Moonlight Body Mind Spirit October 12th, 2013 Retreat

My family and I have been organizing and coordinating these events for 15 years!

AURA PHOTOGRAPHY with Ramona Nault

Admission: $5
Children 12 and Under Free Admission


Grange Hall - #135 Rte 7 - Milton, VT.


"From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax and be peaceful, we may wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness, when we can walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth." ~Thích Nhất Hạnh

Moonlight Gift Shoppe for Body Mind & Spirit -

Michele Nappi - Mystic MEDIUM/Psychic - Medical Intuitive - Animal Communicator - Assists in location of Missing People & Pets - Psychic Development & Reiki Teacher - Published Writer - Shop Proprietor - Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Milton, VT

Cornelia Ward, Intuitive Counselor and Teacher
ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD.
M.S. Community Economic Development Office: 802-864-2978

Ramona Nault - Aura Insights - Aura Photography & Interpretation - An aura photo shows energies around you in color! It can aid in self-growth. Velvet Embossed Bags

Marna Ehrech - Speaker - Vendor

Gwendolyn Evans - Mini-Psychic Readings/Energy Tune-Ups & Gemstone Essences

Denise McKenna - Sacred Space - Chair Massage & Reiki

Gretchen Hidell - Intuitive Astrological Readings

Sherri Glebus, MA - Tarot Insights - Readings

Alison Elizabeth - Jewelry - Gemstones - Pendulums

Bernice Kelman - Well-known psychic in practice since 1973, provides psychic counseling and channels a non-physical entity who responds to your questions.

Nancy Hayes - Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

Julio Baez - Beyond The Veil Tarot - Tarot Readingss

Joy Edgerton - FG Express Healing Power Strips - Natural Pain Relief

Kat Kleman - Healing/Chakra Jewelry - Chair Reiki mini-session, ARTbundnce Creativity Coaching Demonstrations

Lindamarie Hill - Past Life Readings - Spirit Release Therapy - Soul Retrieval. International author, Master Healer Educator, who combines dousing and intuitive guidance to assist people in achieving wholeness. Her work has evolved over 40 years.

Susan Stebbins - Chair Massage - Reiki - Chakra Balancing


11:00 am - Laurie Di Cesare - Dragonfly Enchantment Workshop:

"Dragonflies, symbols of the Faery Realm and Transformation, are all around us...if we know where to look."

12:00 Noon - Michele Nappi, Mystic Medium - Meditation, Healing and Psychic Medium Readings in Group Session. I've seen and experienced spirit since I was a child. I teach Psychic Development twice a year and do psychic, mediumship readings at Moonlight Gifts and by phone.

1:00 pm - Cornelia Ward, Intuitive Counselor and Teacher:
In this fun workshop, Cornelia will show you how she has successfully navigated change and transition using oracle cards and gentle Angel Tarot as a guide. Whether you are going through a personal or professional change in your life, these tools are a great way to get a quick, helpful answer to your questions and bring you peace of mind in the process. Angel oracle cards are a gratifying way to connect with the Divine even when your path is smooth! Come play with the angels at this warm community gathering!

2:00 pm - Bernice Kelman - Conversations with a Non-Physical Entity - I will offer an explanation of inter-dimensional communication, followed by an opportunity to question my non-physical friend. All questions are acceptable and welcome.

3:00 pm - Lindamarie Hill - Ghost Whisperer: This talk will include history of Spirit Release/Ghost Busting, types of 'spirits,' signs of interference, how spirits attach to humans and personal examples of release work. Audience participation!

4:00 pm - Marna Ehrech - How can we be more of a participant energetically in this world, especially in the very synthetic world of 21st Century Western culture. How can we use our powers of intention and our own energy to heal, balance and assuage the places of trouble, the situations of turmoil and strife ... on the planet and in our own lifetime. A few simple techniques will be taught to empower you on a daily basis, and get on a faster track to your Highest Path, Power and Purpose.

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