Soft Bomb Barre and Knitting Author at Library Wednesday

Past event
Jul 27, 2016, 6 PM

You may have noticed some fabric flowers sprouting in window boxes along Main Street or a quilt peeking out of the History Center bell tower. This is all part of Studio Place Arts' Soft Bomb Barre city-wide art installation, and Aldrich is getting in on the fun. Stop by the library during Heritage Festival week to see a show of fiber pieces celebrating Barre's hidden heritage, the handicrafts of wives, mothers, and artists creating thrifty, useful, and beautiful pieces for loved ones and for the sheer joy of making art. This eclectic show includes a quilted bike, a teeny tiny octopus, doll dresses, weaving, and a Shetland knitted lace wedding veil.
Our upcoming authors celebrate a part of Barre's heritage as well. On Wednesday the 27th, knitter Donna Druchunas will be speaking at 6pm in the Vermont Room (on the 2nd floor of the library). She is the author nine knitting books and has written countless articles, hosted classes and retreats for both writing and knitting, opened a knitting studio, created Knit Alongs on Ravelry, translated German knitting books to English, and much more. She also helps aspiring knitters and writers learn to self publish, create patterns, and work with major publishers. Many thanks to Yarn. in Montpelier for sponsoring Donna's talk!

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