Green Mountain Global Forum presents: Arnie and Maggie Gundersen on Fukushima Daiichi, Vermont Yankee, and the Future of Nuclear Power, Thursday, October 17, 7 pm at the Big Picture Theater, Waitsfield. According to the World Nuclear Association, there are over 430 nuclear reactors in operation around the globe, with 60 reactors currently under construction, and another 160 in the planning stages. This FREE event will include a discussion of what Vermont Yankee and Fukushima have in common, and how recent events at these two facilities will impact the future of nuclear power in the United States.
Mar 10, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Free HPV Vaccination Clinic at Crossett Brook MSMar 12, 2025, 4 to 6 PM
Community Grief GroupMar 12, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM