“Race Amity: Celebrating Our Getting Along” interfaith worship service with Rev. M’ellen Kennedy 10 AM at the Washington Unitarian Universalist Church. Maybe a way out of the current morass is to focus on the ways, times, and places where we humans have gotten along well across our differences. So thinks Dr. William H. Smith, an African American and Founder of the National Center for Race Amity. Rev. M'ellen was very inspired when she met him in the fall and he spoke about his work affiliated with Wheelock College. In his own words, “Race relations in America will not substantially improve unless the public discourse on race moves beyond the blame/grievance framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity, and collaboration.” Let’s lift up positive stories of the interracial harmony that we long for and work for. A potluck lunch follows the worship service. A Friends on the Path Small Group discussion on the topic of the services will follow the potluck lunch from noon to 1:15. All Welcome!