Forester to Lead Forest Walk July 19

Past event
Jul 19, 2016, 9 to 10:30 AM

Can you identify "Japanese bamboo," Giant Hogweed, Buckthorn, Japanese barberry, and other plants that are invading our landscape? Do you know what makes them "invasive" and how to get rid of them? Join Washington County Forester Dan Singleton for a walk in the Town of Barre Forest to learn more on Tuesday, July 19, at 9:00 am. Singleton will show plants many of us take for granted but that are aggressively squeezing out our native habitat, both in the forest and in our own backyards. Meet at the kiosk in the Town Forest parking area, 44 Brook St., Websterville 05676 for a walk lasting an hour to an hour and a half. All ages welcome, as are dogs on leashes. If it rains hard enough to need an umbrella, the walk will be cancelled.

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