Permaculture Meet-Up

Past event
Jul 17, 2016, 1 to 3 PM

During the Bethel University period this spring I offered a meet-up to do with permaculture. A small group has had a couple of encounters since then, to explore concepts in permaculture, the design science that offers a possible path towards ecological resiliency.

Hoping to see whoever is interested and available for a short tour and discussion at 27 School St. in Randolph at 1 p.m. or so this coming Sunday.

I'll have some handouts on the planting of guilds, we can look at how they work so far in a young garden, and people can come away with a free raspberry plant (variety: Taylor; subject to availability but we have at least a couple dozen).

We are just past the tennis courts/rec. field, half-way down School St., a tan house on the right. Numbering scheme on the street is disjointed: see raised beds in the front yard. Plenty of parking in the adjacent rec. field lot.

-Cynthia Q.

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