Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate for President Speaks in Burlington

Past event
Jul 15, 2016, 7 to 9 PM

Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate for President speaking the Friday in Burlington


We are excited to announce that Jill Stein, the presumptive presidential nominee of the Green Party, will be speaking and hosting a discussion this Friday, July 15th, in Burlington, Vermont at 7pm. She will be at the McClure Multigenerational Center on 241 North Winooski Avenue.

We are in a deeply charged and important political moment, a moment that demands a clear alternative to the two-party disaster that has been running this country. As tens of thousands take to the streets to decry the police murder of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the Democrats offer us Hillary Clinton, a key architect of the New Jim Crow, and the Republicans offer Donald Trump, an open racist.

Now is the time to be vocal about the need for a real, independent alternative. Jill Stein offers a vision for a different future. She has a platform for the left to rally around, a platform that includes a full transition to renewable energy by 2030, the demilitarization of the police and borders, the abolition of student debt, Medicare for All, nuclear disarmament, and much more. As a new generation of activists is being born and embracing the need for political revolution, the Stein campaign plays an important role in formulating a clear political perspective to win a better world.

Isaac Kreisman
Jill Stein Vermont Ballot Access Group

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