This week at the market make sure you show up early to get your Rabin bread (last week they sold out in the first hour!)
While you're waiting for bread, make sure visit all the other vendors.
Bramble and Berry Farm will have Currants and possibly Gooseberries!
The Happy Bite will have delicious gluten and grain free baked goods
Plainview Farm will have all grades and sizes of Strong family maple syrup
-Diversity Farm
Pasture Meats and Eggs
-JW Bensinger
Sharpening and Handcrafted Blades
-Owl Hill Farm
- Mapleroot Farm
Baked nut and seed crackers, soft pretzels and multi-grain pizza crusts
Central Vermont Solid Waste Management will be selling soil-savers and green cones AT COST for CVSWMD residents
Blinking Light Gallery will also be present as they still wait to re-open after flood damage.
-Setting Sun Teahut/Chaxicollective
I will have some Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese teas to serve and sell, I will also have Teaware and handmade scoops and cloth for tea ceremony
Hope to see you there!