Save the Date
Please mark your calendars for the Annual Eastwoods Neighborhood Party: Saturday, July 23 from 5 pm to 8 pm, at the north end of Orchard Road.
(Raindate is the following night)
We'll have live music from Audrey Bernstein, drinks, and burgers on the grill.
To replenish the party fund, we're requesting a donation of $10 per household this year. We'll have a donation box at the event.
1. Volunteer to pass out party flyers on your block. We'll have flyers ready about 10 days ahead.
2. Volunteer to help set up; be a greeter; burger cooker; or clean up.
3. Do you have any outdoor games that we can set up for the kids?
4. We need about 8 folding tables, coolers, and a few pop-up tents.
If you can help with any of these things, please let me know.
Joanne Heidkamp, 38 Meadow Rd 802-238-5414
Joanne Heidkamp
802-238-5414 (c)