Local herpetologist/wildlife biologist, James Andrews, will be at the Salisbury Free Public Library on Tuesday, July 12th at 7:00pm. Bring your questions and your curiosity and learn about the amazing reptiles and amphibians that share this little patch of earth with us. Jim has been working full-time as a herpetologist/wildlife biologist in Vermont since 1990. He currently serves as chair of the Reptile and Amphibian Scientific Advisory Group to the Vermont Endangered Species Committee. He also coordinates the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Project and serves as a research and teaching associate with Vermont Family Forests in Bristol, VT. In addition, he teaches Field Herpetology and Field Ornithology at the University of Vermont. Jim is a founding member of the Salisbury Conservation Commission and has been a compiler and organizer of the Middlebury Christmas Bird Count since its inception. Please join us for this fascinating presentation. See you at the library!!