Join us at the Greensboro Free Library for a 3 part class that you can come to 1, 2, or all 3!
Monday July 11th 10am-12noon- Walk to Caspian with Penny Breitschneider to learn about and gather specimens from the lake and brook to look at the next day under microscopes!
Tuesday July 12th- 10am-11:30am Look at specimens under microscopes and figure out what they are. Learn about the amazing world of microscopic creatures!
11:30am-12:30pm Bring a Bag Lunch (if you wish to)
12:30pm-2pm Project Micro returns to the Library! Join UVM Department of Medicine's Janet Schwarz to look at bugs under microscopes and more!
Free! All are welcome yet geared for kids ages 6+
Contact the Greensboro Free Library at 533-2531 or with questions