The Lanpher Library has some great programs coming up for children AND adults.
Wednesday, July 6th at 2:00 On Your Mark, Get Set, READ! Summer Reading Program at St. Teresa's Parish Hall (92 Main St. Hyde Park Village....just down the street from the Library) ZUMBA KIDS! Zumba Kids always adds a cultural element, so we're going to BRAZIL! Just like the Olympics next month! Free, Fun and Educational!
Monday, July 11th at 6:00 p.m. Lowe's Lecture Hall, Main St. in Johnson, VT. The Lanpher Library and Johnson Public Library present our 11th Annual Co-Sponsored Summer Program: NATIVE AMERICAN STORIES AND GAMES with MICHAEL CADUTO, award winning Author, Story Teller, Musician and Educator. (Check out his website:
Tuesday, July 12th 6:30 at the Lanpher Memorial Library, Graphic Novel Author/Artist, Jing Liu will be at the Lanpher Library to talk about his Graphic Novel Series: "Foundations of Chinese Civilization", which was reviewed in Library Journal last month, and Amy Tan, Author of "The Joy Luck Club", calls it: "A great way to learn about China's vast history." Jing first visited the Lanpher Library via. Skype during our "Dig Into Reading" Summer Program in 2013. It was 2:00 p.m. here....but 2:00 a.m. in Beijing! Now, we're excited that he'll be here in person.
Wednesday, July 13th 2:00 Summer Reading Program: On Your Mats, Get Set...BREATHE. Yoga for Kids at St. Teresa's Parish Hall. As summer gets busier and busier, learn how to relax and enjoy it, with Yoga!
Monday, July 18th: Hyde Park Community Circle Ice Cream Social (No Night Owl Story Time)
Wednesday, July 20th, 2:00 Summer Reading Program, Take a Hike! We'll meet at Elmore State Park to climb the mountain. Children must be accompanied by adults. Register in advance 802-888-4628 and your admission will be paid for the 2:00 hike. If it's pouring rain, we'll meet at the Lanpher Library for rainy day activities instead!
Tuesday, July 26th at 7:00 p.m. Lanpher Library: The Noble Sport: Falconry with the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS). Explore the sport that has fostered relationships between humans , animals and the environment for nearly 4000 years! Meet LIVE RAPTORS up close!
Wednesday, July 27th, 2:00 Summer Reading Program: Storywalk®. We'll meet at the Lanpher Library first, for an introductory visit. Then, take a Storywalk® to enjoy "Animal Antics from A to Z", by Vermont Author and Illustrator: Joan Martin, illus. Bruce Lee!
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2:00, Lanpher Library: Force and Motion Olympics. Compete in fun events that highlight the STEM concepts of Force and Motion! Catapult It! Ramp & Roll Bocce! MORE. We'll celebrate with a party afterward!!!
Jan 15, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
Winter Apparel Drive *New Needs!*Jan 16, 2025, 8 AM to 3 PM
Sacred Circle with Sound Healing and ChantingJan 16, 2025, 7 to 9 PM