2016 Spirits of Vermont a benefit for the Danville Pope Memorial Library tickets are still available. Tastings will be on offer from North Branch Vineyards, Caledonia Spirits (Barr Hill), Vermont Spirits, Vermont Distillers, Havoc Mead, Red Barn Brewing and St J Brewery. In addition, there were be offerings of Sumptuous Syrups, Vermont Coffee Company, Burke Mountain Confectionery, Vermont Chevon, Jasper Hill Farms, Crooked Mile Goat Cheese and Cabot Cheese. Food will be provided by Asian Home Cooking and Chez Mami. We would also like to graciously thank our many sponsors: Passumpsic Bank, Autosaver Group, Union Bank, Begin Realty, Caplans Army Navy, Weidman, Diamond Hill Store, Maple Grove, Healthsource, Marty's 1rst Stop and Vermont First for helping us with this event. Tickets will be sold at the door. Ticket donation is $30. Also, check us out on Locavore Today https://localvoretoday.com/offer/popememoriallibrary-june2016/view