Saturday October 12 at 10am
Rain or Shine!
Bring a friend!
Meet new people!
What’s a Plant Swap?
Bring a plant-Take a plant
Plants should be healthy and garden-worthy
Plant swaps are a fun way to get rid of any extra plants you may have (perennial divisions, unwanted houseplants, etc.) by trading with other gardeners and plant enthusiasts.
Plants swaps are a great way to add more variety to your gardens.
Don't worry if you don't have anything to swap~ you can 'buy' a plant by making a donation to the Hinesburg food shelf instead! suggested donation $3-$10 per plant
*Tips for plant swappers: *
Plants should be in a container
Label plants as well as possible- perennial, size, sun/shade, bloom color, etc
Bring flats or trays to bring your new plants home in
Plants should be well watered, pest and disease free
Dig plants a few days in advance so they can recover, and water well!
Please do not bring any invasive species
We look forward to seeing you at the swap!
Natacha Liuzzi
Brown Dog Books & Gifts
90 Mechanicsville Rd #2
Hinesburg Vermont 05461
(p) 802-482-5189
(f) 802-482-5188
mon-thurs 10-6pm
fri & sat 10-8pm
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