Sons of Union Veterans Recruiting Booth at Jeff 4th of Julyi

Past event
Jul 4, 2016, 10 AM to 3 PM

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of the veterans of the American Civil War 1861-65, there will be a booth at the fair on the grounds of the Cambridge Elementary School in Jeffersonville. The history of this important group and its successor, the Sons of Union Veterans, will be described in displays. The chapter of the SUV in northwestern VT is the Stannard Camp, named for the general who commanded the Vermont 2nd Brigade at Gettysburg.. A recruiting station will be prepared to sign up volunteers to join the revived Stannard Camp and to explain the role of the SUV in promoting patriotism, recognizing the sacrifices of the Union soldiers, and commemorating events and individuals. Vermont is the only state with a highway named for the GAR, Route 15 which passes through our area. Please stop by the booth to find out more or contact the Senior Vice Commander of the camp, Liam McKone, at

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