School Board Meeting Oct. 9

Past event
Oct 9, 2013, 6:30 PM

6:30 pm

1. Call to Order/ Star-Spangled Banner – Review Focus of Meeting: (5 Minutes)

2. Focus on Learning: Twitter Goodness! (10 Minutes)

3. Consent Agenda: (5 Minutes)
a) Minutes of Meetings – September 11, 2013
b) Personnel
•Nicole Crocco, .5 FTE Middle School Math Teacher
c) Superintendent Report
d) Professional Staff Development, Staff Development and IA Staff Development Annual Plans
e) Approval of Bills
f) Policy 2.5: Emergency Superintendent Succession Monitoring Report

4. ENDS/OUTCOMES Development (Policy Section I): (30 Minutes)
a) Discussion: Continue developing ENDS policy
b) Action: Possible adoption of ENDS policy

5. Global Executive Restraint (Policy 2.0): (15 Minutes)
a) Discussion: 2.4 Financial Planning & Budgeting
• 2014-15 Budget Timetable and Assumptions
• Overview of Financial Management Review (FMR) Documents

6. Governance Processes (Policy Section IV): (15 Minutes)
a) Discussion: 4.2 Board Job Description, Section 2- “Create and maintain written governing policies that realistically address the broadest levels of all organizational decisions and situations”
• Policy Review Cycle
b) VEHI and VSBIT Proxy or Certificate of Authority

7. Community Engagement (Policy 4.2.1): (5 Minutes)
a) Discussion: Recent community activities by board members

8. Next Agenda: (5 Minutes)

9. Board Self-Evaluation (Policy 4.1): (5 Minutes)
a) Individual assessment of current meeting

10. Executive Session: (15-45 minutes)
a) Grievance
b) Employment decision

11. Possible Action on Executive Session

12. Adjourn

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