Best July 4th Worcester Celebration Ever!

Past event
Jul 4, 2016, 11 AM to 10 PM

Come Celebratie July 4th in Worcester, for a day of fun, food, family, music, friends! Worcester will be the place to be, starting at 11 AM with the Annual Worcester Parade, featuring the 40th Army Band, Color Guards, and floats. The Worcester Rangers Snowmobile Club will have a float celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the "Year Without a Summer". On June 7, 1816, Mount Tambora in the South Pacific erupted in 1815, creating a thick ash-laden cloud cover over the Northern Hemisphere turning Vermont's summer into Winter. Eighteen inches of snow were recorded on June 7, 1816, followed by weekly hard frosts destroying crops and forcing families from farms to the cities. The impact on Worcester was severe and all residents, except the brave Amassa Brown family moved from town. The Rangers has recreated a paper ache volcano, and kids will love what comes out of the crater, along the parade route. Bring your chairs, and enjoy the parade, with many other floats. A chicken BBQ, ice cream social, the well known band Killin' Time, and Fireworks! What better way to celebrate our country's Independence!
The Worcester Rangers will be selling raffle tickets, $5.00 per ticket, or 5 tickets/$20.00. An LL Bean Kayak, a cord of wood, a 32" flat screen TV; $100.00 cash; fire extinguisher; 1/2 gallon maple syrup, and an annual ride with the Rangers (if there is snow )! Proceeds will help us rebuild some bridges and maintain our and groom our trails. Great food vendors will also be there, so please come, bring your family, and enjoy a wonderful day, celebrating our Independence and Freedom! See you at the best celebration in central Vermont.

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