Town Planning Commission Meeting & Open House

Past event
Jun 23, 2016

My apologies for the late posting! A reminder that the Town of Essex is having an Open House at 81 Main Street this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch will be served at noon (until the food runs out!). Although the building could not be torn down and rebuilt, it was brought down to the frame and renovated. It looks fab! Hope you can join in our happiness!

The 6/23 PC meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room here at 81 Main Street. Up for discussion is:
1. Public Comment - This is a chance for anybody to say anything they want regarding any topic, including the consent agenda items already scheduled at this meeting. If you want to discuss something else scheduled - you need to wait until that Agenda Item is heard.
2. Consent Item: Donald Lawrence is proposing a simple parcel subdivision is proposed at 22 Sand Hill Road. The owner of 4 lots decided to merge the lots back into one lot and then create 1 new lot. The new lot created will be situated next to the utility parcel on Sand Hill Rd.
3. A continued discussion from 4/28/16: John and Donna Kunkel, regarding possible subdivision for land located off the cul-de-sac at 87 Saw Mill Road in the Conservation (C1) Zone. Tax Map 16, Parcel 15. A waiver would be required.
4. A continued Public Hearing from 5/26/16: Chris Paya, d/b/a 266 Colchester Road, LLC, is proposing to construct a gravel parking area for automobile storage located at 266 Colchester Road in the Industrial Zone (I1).
5. Master Plan Amendment & Site Plan Amendment Public Hearing: Rick Bove was approved (and is under construction) for a 2-story mixed-use building which allowed for commercial units on the 1st floor and 10 residential units on the second floor. A proposal to add a 3rd story to accommodate 10 additional residential units is proposed. The property is located at 7 Carmichael Street (lot next to Joyce's Noodle House) in the Mixed Use Development-Planned Unit Development (MXD-PUD) Zoning District and Business Design Control (B-DC) Overlay District.
6. Draft Minutes of the previous meeting will be reviewed and approved.

The PC meeting held on June 9th to discuss proposed amendments to the Zoning & Subdivision Regulations only brought out 1 person from the public. So far, the proposed chicken regulation has been well received. A Scenic Resource Protection Overlay District is proposed. We are trying to inform citizens that Regulations are the heartbeat of what you want to see built next to where you live or what you are allowed to do on your own parcel of land... Once the PC completes and holds a Public Hearing on the amendments, the draft documents will be sent up to the Select Board for its own Public Hearing (and possibly a workshop prior). I encourage you to go online and review the proposed regulations. Currently, these Regulations are being revised - the revised documents will be replaced on the web no later than July 8th. The next discussion on the proposed amendments is slated for July 14th @ 6:30 p.m. - Save the Date!

Looks like I still have space - so I will keep on writing! You may have noticed additional construction at the corner of Commonweath Avenue (across from NBT Bank). A permit was issued for the construction of a 4,300 ± sq. ft. mixed use building consisting of a 1700 sq. ft. restaurant, 1000 sq. ft. hair salon, 1600 sq. ft. office space, and 4 residential apartments located on the second story.

Please visit our website @ Please don't hesitate to contact me with any assistance you may need! Have a great day!

Sharon L. Kelley, Zoning Administrator
Town of Essex,
81 Main Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452
(802) 878-1343

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