Plainfield Hazard Mitigation Committee Thursday, June 16

Past event
Jun 16, 2016, 6 PM

Plainfield's Hazard Mitigation Committee will hold its regular 3rd Thursday meeting on June 16th - 6 pm. in the community room at the rear of the Municipal Building on Main Street. The public is always welcome.

This meeting's agenda includes:

• 1. 25-minute portion (with audio) of a public information Powerpoint session called “Dam Safety” - from a longer 3-hour lay and technical training session offered by FEMA in April.
• 2. Final preparation for our "Bridging The Brook" public meeting in late June - Setting agenda and choosing a Moderator, what printed materials and what projected materials to prepare, plus set up and implementation
• 3. Quick recap on preparations for a meeting with Green Mt. Power, concerning the #6 Molly's Falls Reservoir Dam in Cabot. Technical questions will be submitted to GMP in advance of the meeting.
• 4. Dan Gadd will give an update on Barre’s woody debris-catching planning and progress.
• 5. Approval of last meeting's minutes.

Michael Billingsley, Secretary

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