Hello all,
The Department of Environmental Conservation continues its work in Pownal on PFOA issues. They will be hosting a community meeting at the school on Monday night at 6:00 pm for updates and to answer further questions.
Here’s their announcement:
Community Meeting Announced for Monday June 13th --
A public meeting will be held on Monday, June 13th at 6:00pm at the Pownal Elementary School to discuss updates and address questions on the PFOA response effort in Pownal. Please join us and alert your neighbors who may be interested in attending.
DEC is also continuing to test in the North Pownal area. Here’s how to be in touch with them to see about having your well tested.
Well sampling in North Pownal to continue -- Letters will be sent to homes in the area to alert homeowners that they are eligible to have their water supply tested by DEC at no cost. If you live in this area and have not had your well sampled, please sign-up online to arrange a sample date or call Trish Coppolino at (802) 249-5822.
And here’s a link to DEC’s webpage regarding PFOA
My best to you and all your family,
Rep. Bill Botzow
1225 South Stream Rd.
Bennington, VT 05201
802 447-7717