Barre Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee Meeting

Past event
Jun 16, 2016, 5:30 PM

The charge of the Barre Act 46 Merger Study Committee is to pursue whether it is advisable to form a Phase 2 (RED) Regional Education District

June 16 2016
Spaulding High School Library
5:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order
1.1 Additions and/or Deletions to Agenda
1.2 Visitors and Communications
2. Welcome of new committee member
3. Approval of Minutes from April 28, 2016
4. Debrief on Public Forum
5. Review and discuss survey results
6. Make-up of New Board/Board Representation
7. Review Articles of Agreement and Work Plan
8. Plan for Administrative Analysis on Educational Aspects of merging
9. Set/confirm summer meeting dates
10. Adjourn

Act 46 identifies the following goals as central to any decision aimed at consolidating existing school governance structures:
• To provide substantive equity in the quality and variety of educational opportunities statewide.
• To lead students to achieve or exceed the State’s Educational Quality Standards.
• To maximize operational efficiencies through increased flexibility to manage, share, and transfer resources, with the goal of increasing the district-level ratio of students to full-time equivalent staff
• To promote transparency and accountability.
• To achieve these goals at a cost that parents, voters, and taxpayers value.

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