Plant Sale in South Burlington!

Past event
Jun 11, 2016, 10 AM to 3 PM

Fill your backyard garden up with beautiful vegetable plant starts for the growing season! We will have lots of plant starts available at our market table @ 80 Allen Rd. Visit us between 10am and 3pm tomorrow. We use organic, sustainable growing practices and non-gmo seeds from High Mowing. These babies have been loved and nurtured from seed by us and we are ready to pass them onto you to feed your family this summer! We will also have bags of tender kale and lettuce available as well. Stop by to chat with us and check out our urban market garden

Starts available:
Sweet Peppers
Hales Best Melon (canteloupe)
Moon and Stars watermelon
Sugar Baby watermelon
Black Tail Mountain watermelon
Brandywine tomatoes
Summer squash

All melons are varieties chosen by High Mowing that grow well in Vermont and are quick to maturity.

Hope to see lots of friendly faces from around our community tomorrow! Thanks in advance for your support

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