A true Pot Luck in every sense of the word and an opportunity to visit with your neighbors -- jump into the 2016 Summer Event Season at the Brookfield Old Town Hall on Saturday, June 11, 6 - 8:30 pm!
Please bring your own place setting and your dish to share in the pot luck dinner. Red Barn Hayloft, a new bluegrass band from Randolph-Brookfield, will entertain during the evening and Ted Elzey will share a brief history in pictures of the Floating Bridge renovations. There will also be a very brief annual meeting of the Brookfield Community Partnership.
Following dinner, and during the Floating Bridge presentation, kids' activities will be taking place in Hippo Park. Families are welcome to stroll down to the park for lawn games, arts & crafts, swimming, and more! (parental supervision required)
Join us for the kick-off to this year's fun and full series of community events at the Brookfield Old Town Hall, and "watch this space" for event information and updates!