ECRC Meeting Thursday, June 2

Past event
Jun 2, 2016, 6 PM

The next East Calais Revitalization committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday June 2, 2016 at the East Calais Rec Center from 6:00- 7:00pm.

We were pleased to see members from all of the community of Calais ( each corner of Calais West and East sides) at the last meeting.

At this meeting we will be looking for individuals who would be interested in holding seats (secretary, treasurer, fundraiser chair, community coordinator, grant writer, etc.) We also are looking for people to help us build flower boxes, a bus shelter for the Village across from the General Store, and general cosmetic maintenance throughout the town.

Every contribution is valuable and makes a giant impact when it is done collectively.

I hope to see you there.

Joni LaRow

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