St. Johnsbury Memorial Day Observance

Past event
May 30, 2016, 10 to 11 AM

The observance starts with a parade which steps off from the Father Lively Center on Summer St. at 10:00 AM with color guards, veterans groups, officials, dignitaries and the St. Johnsbury Academy Band which will march to the Caledonia Courthouse on Main Street; arriving about 10:30. Speaker for the day will be Rep. Scott Beck. Patriotic musical selections and marches by the St. Johnsbury Band will start at 9:30 at the Courthouse. Janet Edmondson will be the featured soloist accompanied by the band. A salute will be offered. The parade will continue, ending at the American Legion Post on Maple Street. Join other members of your community as we honor the men and women who died in the service of our country. For more information contact the American Legion in St. Johnsbury.

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