Proposed Amendments to Morrisville/Morristown Zoning Bylaws

Past event
Jun 7, 2016, 7 to 8:30 PM


A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday 7 June 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Morristown Municipal Offices the Tegu Building’s Community Meeting Room at 43 Portland Street, Morrisville. The Morristown/Morrisville Planning Council hereby provides notice of a public hearing being held pursuant to State Law VSA 24, Chapter 117, §4302, §4410 & §4441 for the purpose of hearing public comments on proposed amendments to the Morrisville/Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws. These amendments are being adopted in accordance with V.S.A. 24, Chapter 117, §4302, §4410, §4411, §4412, §4413 & 4414.

The proposed amendments to the zones in the Morrisville/ Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws are as follows:
a. §205 Central Business: decrease lot size, increase front setback & sidewalk built by others provision
b. §215 Business Enterprise: add Warehouse & Storage Facility use & equalize lot size and density
c. §225 Mixed Office Residential: equalize lot size and density & make dimensional changes
d. §230 Industrial: add Public Offices and Facilities use for Old Creamery Road & reduce setbacks
e. §235 Special Use: equalize lot size & density, reduce side setback, add Transient Lodging Facility use
f. §245 High Density Residential: equalize lot size and density & make dimensional changes
g. §250 Medium Density Res: equalize lot size & density, change dimensions & remove multi-family use
h. §255 Low Density Res: equalize lot size & density, change dimensions & remove multi-family res use
I. §260 Rural Residential Agricultural: Move two-family residential from permitted to conditional use
j. §270 Airport Business: family child care facility from conditional to permitted & add Warehouse use
k. §280 Innovation Zone: Add Sexually Oriented Businesses to Innovation Zone
l. §426.2 Ponds: amend pond bylaw to allow some flexibility when a pond is above a town road
m. §430 Non-Conformities: change existing 1 year “use it or lose it” policy to 5 years for foreclosures
n. §440 Clean-up building site: add bylaw restricting buildings left open to elements & broken windows
o. §483 Motor Vehicle Repair Facilities: prohibit discarded tires from being visible from a public road
p. §502 Site Plan: minor revisions to site plan submittals & survey requirement for multi-family res.
q. §510 PUD: make minor Planning Council directed changes to the conservation subdivision bylaw
r. §639.3g: amend existing landscaping requirements to require large solar farm screening
s. §660: Add more robust Local Act 250 Review bylaw for Agency of Commerce & Comm. Develop.
t. Definitions: add definitions for Sexually Oriented Business and Shelter & revise definitions for Home Business (by eliminating auto repair as an eligible home business) and Transient Lodging Facility (by establishing exempt thresholds for renting rooms in the sharing economy)
u. §1000-§1140: make various district boundary changes, including adding the Puffer Block on Upper Main Street into the Central Business Zone, expanding a small piece of the Commercial Zone onto the Cheng property across from Rock Art Brewery, add Village-like zoning to the Cadys Falls and Morristown Corners neighborhoods for the first time & various housekeeping items where the Truck Route impacting zoning boundaries.

For copies of the full zoning proposal and questions, please contact please contact Todd Thomas at 888-6373 or by email at or the Town Clerk’s Office at 43 Portland St.

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