Touch of Grace Church located at 101 Route 16, East Hardwick, is hosting an informational meeting for home schooling families. Meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23rd, at 6pm.
Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.
The first key to a great education is that it is “classical.” By that we mean the classical model of education which has proven effective over time. This model has cultivated great leaders in the arts of freedom. Aristotle, Newton, C.S. Lewis and Thomas Jefferson are just a few examples of great thinkers who were educated classically.
A classical education is ideally suited to children's natural learning style. The classical model divides the learning process into three stages: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. In the grammar stage, children devour facts. In the dialectic stage, children ask many questions as they sort and evaluate these facts. In the rhetoric stage, teenagers synthesize their knowledge and apply it.
From beginning to end, the Classical Conversations curriculum is founded on the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Classical Conversations teaches that all subjects are not only interconnected but that God is the author and creator of each subject. Each subject informs us more about the true nature of God, and a better understanding of God informs us about each subject that is taught.
Classical Conversations plants and supports local communities who meet once a week across the United States and in several other countries. Being part of a like-minded and committed community provides parents and students encouragement, fellowship, and accountability.
Classical Conversations focuses on training parents to be great classical educators at home by hosting three-day summer conferences in many locations (testimonials). These conferences are called Parent Practicums because they give parents practical training in difficult subjects like math, logic, and Latin. Conference speakers also model classical teaching methods, such as the art of asking questions and leading discussions. Parent Practicums are free and available to anyone interested in classical, Christian education. Parents who are willing to become tutors receive trainings during the afternoon sessions of the 3-day conference and receive additional on-line support throughout the year.
Classical Conversations also offers:
•A complete online bookstore:
•Online forums, video tutorials, and downloadable resources (free and subscription versions) via CC Connected
•Preschool resources: Scribblers At-Home Program
•Weekly local communities for Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge
•Daily Writers Circle articles about homeschooling
•Standardized testing, open to all homeschoolers
•CC Plus: College credit for high school juniors and seniors
•Challenge and post-graduation advising services for parents of high schoolers
Please join us to learn more on how Classical Conversations can be apart of your homeschooling journey.
Feel free to email Tammy Preston at with any questions.