The Cavendish Community and Conservation Association will sponsor a presentation on Beavers and Trapping in Vermont with Fish and Wildlife expert Chris Bernier, head of the fur-bearer project, and James Stewart, long time trapper in our area. The discussion will be held on May 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the Cavendish Town Office meeting room, 126 High Street in Cavendish.
The goal of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources in dealing with human-beaver interaction is two-pronged. First, it is interested in maintaining, whenever possible, the valuable wetlands in Vermont that support biodiversity and vital ecological processes. Secondly, it hopes to provide the public with the best information available for managing problem situations that result from beaver activity.
Today, many people in the United States and Canada trap as an annual pursuit; in addition many homeowners use trapping to deal with wildlife causing property damage. Throughout North America, government sociologists and university researchers have begun to document the importance of trapping in the lives of people who still look to the land, and use wildlife as part of their lifestyle. Sometimes this lifestyle is not understood by a larger segment of society who do not hunt, trap, fish, raise their own vegetables or cut their own firewood - people who do not consider looking to the land to provide for their households. The speakers will address these topics and issues in the context of best management practices for dealing with human-beaver relationships in Vermont.
This is a free event and all are welcome to attend. Bring your questions and personal stories about the beavers in your backyard. For more information contact Robin Timko at 226-7736.