Native Plantings & Weeding Volunteer Event

Past event
May 19, 2016, 3:30 to 6:30 PM

This Thursday, May 19th, we are seeking volunteers of all ages to help with bare roots planting in downtown Randolph next to the ice rink, and removal of weeds around our small area of plantings. We will be planting perennial garden varieties and weeding around recent red osier, silky, and pagoda dogwood plantings and spreading a restoration seed mix of grass, forbs, and mycorrhizae for plant and soil health.

You will have the opportunity to learn and partake in the material and edible uses of invasive plants and increase the biodiversity and health of plant communities.

Meet us at:
26 Prince St, Randolph, VT
Thursday, May 19th
3:30PM - 6:30PM

Send an email now to sign up!

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