On Saturday, May 14th from 6:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., the Town of Bristol Fire Department, in cooperation with the owner of 93 North Street and several of our mutual aid partners, will be conducting live fire training at this location. This training is in compliance with all local, state, and federal requirements for acquired structures.
We are informing you of this training session so that you will not be surprised when you see the Fire Department working in your area on this date.
This will be a great opportunity for you to see you Fire Department at work, practicing techniques and skills to better protect you and your property.
As a precaution, if your property falls within a quarter mile radius of the training structure, the fire department recommends you take appropriate action to protect your vehicle, laundry, if outside and other items that may come in contact with smoke or other particles. We would also like to remind you to keep your windows closed if you smell smoke in your area.
There will be a temporary lane closure on North Street on Saturday to provide adequate space for the parking of fire apparatus assigned to this exercise. To safely maintain the flow of one lane traffic on North Street the fire department will utilize portable stop lights. These portable units will be deployed near the intersections of North Street/Devino Lane and North Street/Crescent Street intersections. This will provide traffic the option to either 1) wait for a green light to travel North or South, or 2) detour around this section of North Street.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Brett LaRose, Chief
(802) 453-3201 – FD voicemail
(802) 798-2673 – mobile
Jan 14, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Beginner Highland Dance ClassesJan 15, 2025, 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Leo's Informational MeetingJan 15, 2025, 4:30 to 5:30 PM