A Planning Commission hearing will be held at the Marshfield Old Schoolhouse Common at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2013 to hear comments on proposed amendments to the Marshfield Subdivision Regulations. The Planning Commission will then review public comments, make possible modifications, and then forward their recommended amendments to the Town Selectboard. The Selectboard must hold at least one additional hearing. The amendments must be approved by a town vote for adoption.
The purpose of the proposed bylaw amendments are to clarify and streamline the subdivision review process and clarify the substantive requirements that applicants for a subdivision in the Town of Marshfield must meet. The Subdivision Bylaws apply to the entire Town of Marshfield.
You may review both a clean copy of the proposed Subdivision Bylaws and a marked up version showing the proposed amendments at the Marshfield Town Clerks office at 122 School Street and at the Marshfield web site (http://www.town.marshfield.vt.us/).
Bobbi Brimblecombe
Town Clerk