Korean Porkbun and Matt Dunne Meet and Greet

Past event
May 12, 2016, 5:30 to 7:30 PM

New-ish Hillside/Terrace Street residents invite neighbors interested in meeting, hearing from, and pressing ideas with candidate for governor Matt Dunne to join us THU May 12 from 5:30-7:30PM. RSVP to lhtorres@gmail.com

Young people (13-18) are especially encouraged to join the discussion - share your aspirations and views on opportunities and challenges with Matt.

A little background: for a little over five years I've had the distinct pleasure of getting to know Matt, first as an entrepreneur, later in public policy, and now in the fields of education and entrepreneurial support. As Matt campaigns for your confidence and votes for Governor of our remarkable state, I'd like to do what I can to help.

Why, you ask?

Because over the years Matt and I have had the opportunity to discuss many issues you and I care about - youth and opportunity in Vermont, aging and the cost of living, climate leadership and the economy, our rural roots and global future, balancing our budget without compromising care for the vulnerable among us. And I truly believe Matt brings with him the head, heart, and leadership experience that is needed to navigate these complex issues.

So I encourage you: join my family and I for a modest evening of exchange. Get to know Matt and draw your own conclusions. But DON'T miss an opportunity to snag some homemade porkbun!

RSVP to lhtorres@gmail.com

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