Feldenkrais "The Carriage of the Head" Workshop

Past event
May 14, 2016, 3 to 5 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2016 3:00-5:00pm
Location:Yoga Roots, 6221 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, VT
Cost: $30
Registration: Please register early with Yoga Roots at info@yogarootsvt.com, or 802 985 0090 there is only limited space

Many people are challenged by neck pain and finding a comfortable place for their head in space. This workshop will help you to reorganize the carriage of the head on your spine. You will discover how to find support and mobility within yourself through a series of Awareness Through Movement® lessons.
You do not need prior Feldenkrais®experience to enjoy this workshop. Please bring a mat or blanket with you and wear comfortable clothes.
For more information about the Feldenkrais Method and Uwe (incl. testimonials) , please visit www.vermontfeldenkrais.com

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