When: Wed, May 25, 2016, 7 - 9 am
Where: VLT Hill-Robert property in Starksboro (meeting place to be determined)
Cost: Free
Preregistration: Register online at: https://vlt.givezooks.com/events/timber-and-thrushes
Contact: Caitlin Cusack at (802) 861-6504 or Caitlin@vlt.org
Join us for a spring bird walk at the Hill-Robert property in Starksboro, owned by the Vermont Land Trust. VLT forester Caitlin Cusack and Audubon biologist Steve Hagenbuch will lead a fun and laid-back morning. Participants will learn about VLT's plans to integrate timber production with songbird habitat. We'll identify birds and spring wildflowers while visiting the land's unique natural communities.
This 72-acre property was donated to VLT by Constance and Jean Robert in 1986. Here, there are interesting natural features, including rich northern hardwood forest, seepage forest, and seepage wetland.
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