The Rec Department is holding the Second Annual Town Wide Yard Sale on June 25.
This year we have added a twist by including PORCHFEST.
Porchfests are annual music events held across the United States and in Canada on front porches. They started in Ithaca, New York in 2007, porchfest events bring local musicians and neighborhoods together to celebrate and create a sense of community.
Sign up now for the Second Annual
Bristol, VT
June 25th 2016
9:00am to 3:00pm (rain or shine)
Last year we had mobs of people come into town for this event! It was fantastic!
All locations will be listed on our map and included in advertising.( Addison Independent, Facebook, Twitter, Front Porch Forum, Craigslist, local TV and Radio, Church Bulletins, Flyers, the Rec. Dept website and more. Staff will in front of Holley Hall all day to hand out maps. Stop and have a hot dog too!
Participants can pick up lawn sale signs at the recreation office in Holley Hall.
NO Yard NO Problem
Early Registration received by May 6, 2016
$15.00 for Residential Site $25.00 Enhanced listing (25 word description of your sale.)
$25.00 for a space on the Green:10x10 $35 enhanced
$25.00 for a space in Holley Hall:10x10 $35 enhanced (Hall spaces are limited)
Registration received May 7 and later please add $5.
To register: On line: and complete the online form or you can print the form from our home page and then send your check separately to the Recreation office. Please make checks payable to: Bristol Recreation Department with “Yard Sale 2016”on the memo line. Deliver or mail forms and checks to: Bristol Recreation Department, ATT: Yard Sale 2015, PO Box 249, Bristol, VT, 05443 For more information contact the Recreation Office at 453-5885.
This year we are adding Music to the mix!
PORCHFEST is an international music festival where communities members volunteer their front porches as stages and musicians of all types volunteer their talents to play at designated times throughout the day. It is a beautiful thing.
June 25th 2016
10:00am to 3:00pm (rain or shine)
Musicians! - Porch Hosts! - Volunteers!
We are seeking front porches to act as stages throughout the village. Where folks can come and hear good music as they shop during the Town Wide Yard Sale .
Musicians Welcome! All styles. Solo or Group. Electric or Acoustic. We ask only that you perform family-friendly material at a considerate, neighbor-friendly volume.
All Sign Up Forms must be submitted by May 15, 2016. As a Porchfest Band, you agree to perform on the porch assigned to you on Saturday afternoon, June 25 2016. All sets are 45 minutes.
Sign up today at:
a portion of the funds generated go to support the Bristol Rec. Dept Scholarship Fund
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Recreation Department at 453-5885 or
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