Oriana Singer Sing Georg Frideric Handel's Israel in Egypt

Past event
May 15, 2016, 4 PM

Cathedral Arts presents Oriana Singers: Georg Frideric Handel's Israel in Egypt

May 15th, 4PM, St. Paul's Cathedral, Burlington. Tickets at flynntix.org

Israel in Egypt tells one of the most colorful Biblical stories: the Plagues of Egypt, the Israelites' suffering, and the Lord's choosing Moses as his agent in defeating the Egyptians, parting the Red Sea just long enough for the Israelites to Pass Over, then rolling the waters back in to drown the Egyptian army.

Handel's ingenious musical depictions of the plagues and the Exodus have made this one of his most popular Dramatic Sacred Oratorios. Scott Metcalfe, Director of the acclaimed Blue Heron Renaissance Choir will lead the period-instrument orchestra, including no fewer than three (3) sackbuts (trombones) and two (2) natural trumpets.


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