Williston Runs! for Education 5k & Kids Fun Run

Past event
May 14, 2016, 8 to 11 AM

Williston Runs! is just over one week away. Register on or before Friday May 6th to take advantage of pre-race pricing and be automatically entered into a special raffle to win a cool prize. Event Date (rain or shine): Saturday May 14th - Kids Fun Run starts at 9:30 AM, 5K starts at 9:45 AM. Race Day Registration opens at 8:00 AM - Williston Central School Gym. Register on-line at www.willistonruns.org or pick up a race application at Williston Central or Allen Brook School front offices. **NEW** Flat, Fast course completely within Williston Community Park. You can run the full 5K on your own or with a 2-3 person relay team. There is a separate Kids Fun Run (1/3rd mile) This is a super FUN event for a GREAT cause with music, entertainment, awesome raffle & post race awards. For more information visit our website or e-mail Sue at sue@willistonruns.org.

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