Ecumenical Youth Lead Taize Worship Service May 14

Past event
May 14, 2016, 4 PM

On Saturday, 5/14 at 4PM at Calvary Episcopal Church (370 Vt. Rt. 15 - Riverside area church with red door), youth from Calvary Episcopal Church and the United Church of Underhill (UCC and UMC) will lead us in a service of worship and song. The music comes from the Taize community in France and is contemplative and lovely. (For more info about Taize see here: Also, some of you may be familiar with the quarterly Taize services hosted by St. Paul's Cathedral in Burlington.

Nothing will be required of you or asked of you other than to come, sit, worship and be renewed. For more information, contact Rev. Regina Christianson ( or Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen (

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