Book Drop & Swap

Past event
May 7, 2016, 8 AM to 12 PM

The OWLS (Orange-Washington Literacy Source) will be holding a Book Drop & Swap during Green Up Day activities.
Saturday May 7th 2016 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Drop Locations:
Washington Town Clerk Office
Washington Fire Station
Orange Town Garage

Orange-Washington Literacy Source (OWLS) was developed through a Federal Grant (LIREC) to promote early literacy in rural communities. The LIREC Grant has given us the opportunity to distribute books in selected locations throughout both the Washington & Orange Communities. Through the grant we were able to make a one-time purchase of books to share. Our hope is to continue sharing books throughout our communities for many years to come. To make this possible we are taking book donations and continue to look for resources to keep this program running. We are dedicated to sharing our joy of reading with each and every one of you!!

If you would like more information or to become involved with the Orange-Washington Literacy Source project, contact:
Washington Village School: (802)883-2312, Roberta Jackes or Danielle Palmer
Orange Center School: (802)476-3278, Jessie Foster

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