Free! Film Screening and Lecture: Star Wars IV, a New Hope! May 7

Past event
May 7, 2016, 4 to 7 PM

Come join your fellow geeks as we absorb the genius of Ben Lazar delivering a lecture on the global impact of Star Wars. We will then watch Star Wars IV: A New Hope and snuggle in to the twin suns of Tatooine, and the future of a poor nephew of a moisture farmer. Dust off your speeders, align the crystals of your light saber, and look out for Tusken Raiders! The event is free and open to the public - bring your friends!

There will be refreshments available for sale, to help fund the excellent workshops of TSA's Chain Reaction Day, a day dedicated to honoring and continuing the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday May 7th, 4 p.m. Sharon Academy High School

Contact Christa Wurm for more information

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